Congratulations to
Carston Maxwell and Taylor Alford

Homecoming Coronation will begin at 6:30 tonight. Game starts at 7. We hope to see you all there!

Football homecoming spirit week dress up schedule.

Congratulations to the High School football team. What a great way to start the season with a win against Coyle, 48 to 20.

Come support the HS Fastpitch team

If you need to order Class of 2019 Senior Pics go to the website below.
Access code is - Pioneer19

The Mustang Stampede Basketball Tournament has been moved to Wed., Thurs., Friday (Dec. 5-6-7). Game times will be as scheduled on Wed. and Thurs. Friday's game times will be announced as soon as possible.

Tomorrow's HS Basketball games w/ P-C-H have been rescheduled to January 22, 2019. Times will be announced at a later date. Thank you.

FAFSA Workshop
Parent and Student workshop to complete the FAFSA for all seniors.
Time: 6:pm
Place: Pioneer High School in computer lab down stairs
When: Monday, Oct. 1, 2018
Items needed:, social security number for parent and student AND 2017 tax returns for both if both filed

Sept. 5th, pictures for grades 7-11 will be taken. AND JH/HS Football, JH/HS Fast Pitch, and JH/HS Cheerleader sport pictures taken on this day. We are using a different company this year. OSP will not take individual sports pictures unless there is a pre-order.

Parents: Please check the school website under the FOR PARENTS tab, concerning information about the Sport Banquet to be held on May 1, 2018.

Parents: Mr. Koontz has released a statement concerning the pending teacher walkout. You can find in under the For Parents tab in the menu of the school website.

Just a reminder that Friday, Feb. 23 is a scheduled out of school day for the students. Enjoy your weekend and we will see you on Monday, Feb. 26!

The holidays are here, it's time to shop. Why not shop for memories? Order a yearbook today before the price goes up in January.

Senior yearbook ad. Space is available in the yearbook to tell your student how proud you are of their accomplishments. To place an ad please contact Laura Fuxa.

Ok. State Test Scores were distributed to your student today. Please look under the Parent Tab on the school website for detailed information concerning the results.

We will have conferences here at the JH/HS on Monday, Oct. 16th from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. Conf. will be held on a walk-in basis. The HS Football coaches will be at practice until 5:30 p.m., please plan accordingly. If you cannot make conferences, please contact you student's teachers to see how they are progressing. Thank you.

Ms. McVey is hosting a FAFSA workshop tonight at 6 p.m at the High School. Parents please bring SS Card, Drivers Lic., 2016 Tax Info., and your banking info. Valuable info. will be at this meeting!

Senior yearbook ad. Space is available in the yearbook to tell your student how proud you are of their accomplishments. To place an ad please contact Laura Fuxa.

Just a reminder that the HS Football game at Seiling this Friday will kickoff at 7:30p.m.