Pioneer High School
Pleasant-Vale Elementary
For Teachers
Generative AI Tools for Every Classroom
Write and revise emails based on tone selection and prompt. The free beta version will rewrite 100 prompts per month and automatically reloads it.
Creates differentiated texts from any article or .pdf, comprehension questions, vocabulary definitions, short answers, and discussion questions.
Creates a Google Form with an answer key, or Google Doc/Slide with a variety of templates.
Generates ideas, questions, and activities, and responds to an email or prompt. Be as specific as possible for it to generate a well-crafted answer.
Its response can be exported to Google Docs since it's part of Google's platform.
The Free website to copy and paste the content into to check if any written work is AI-generated.
Since it's free, it may not detect everything, but generally, if someone has completely copied and pasted something, it will detect it.
Lesson plan sites
This site is a teacher-created site designed to help teachers find online resources more quickly and easily.
ClickView is a cloud-based video learning platform that provides schools with on-demand streaming of educational videos and teaching resources. The platform is designed to help teachers create engaging classrooms and improve student outcomes.
ClickView offers a variety of content, including:
Original content: Produced by ClickView's team of educators
Licensed content: Movies, TV shows, and video clips from other producers
User video libraries: Teachers can create their own video libraries
ClickView videos are aligned to the curriculum and learning level, and each video includes interactive quizzes and resources. Teachers can also use analytics to track student performance and personalize their teaching.
The free website has thousands of short texts and poems for grades 3rd-12th.
In each text, it recommends paired texts and videos.
You can download the pdfs of texts that include the comprehension questions.
This site is a complete online resource that teachers, administrators and school staff can visit each day to find high-quality and in-depth original content.
Membean has some of the commonly used Latin/Greek roots with mini-podcasts that explain each root.
This link will take you to the free root page, but there are pricing options.
Inspire your students with thousands of free teaching resources including videos, lesson plans and games aligned to state and national standards.
The free account provides access to K-12 fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and informational texts.
Article-a-Day features a 10-minute article with differentiated options.
You can assign texts via a link to students with a variety of question options, or print the pdfs.
Free lesson plans, resources & videos for teachers, educators & instructors.
This site provides teachers with expertly curated teaching resources and printables across all subjects for grades prek-12th.
Provides educators with the latest teaching strategies, lesson plans, classroom resources, and professional development.
This free website has articles that answer questions with sourced information and great academic vocabulary for ALL subject areas.
Great home base or bell work activity for teachers to read aloud to students.
Free-ish templates of interactive activities for a variety of subjects.
You can create and assign interactive game show-style quizzes, matching activities, map labeling, sorts, and more.
Helpful websites for the classroom
ViewSonic ViewBoard Resources
Oklahoma State Department Resources